344 research outputs found

    March CRF: an Efficient Test for Complex Read Faults in SRAM Memories

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    In this paper we study Complex Read Faults in SRAMs, a combination of various malfunctions that affect the read operation in nanoscale memories. All the memory elements involved in the read operation are studied, underlining the causes of the realistic faults concerning this operation. The requirements to cover these fault models are given. We show that the different causes of read failure are independent and may coexist in nanoscale SRAMs, summing their effects and provoking Complex Read Faults, CRFs. We show that the test methodology to cover this new read faults consists in test patterns that match the requirements to cover all the different simple read fault models. We propose a low complexity (?2N) test, March CRF, that covers effectively all the realistic Complex Read Fault

    Variation Resilient Adaptive Controller for Subthreshold Circuits

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    Subthreshold logic is showing good promise as a viable ultra-low-power circuit design technique for power-limited applications. For this design technique to gain widespread adoption, one of the most pressing concerns is how to improve the robustness of subthreshold logic to process and temperature variations. We propose a variation resilient adaptive controller for subthreshold circuits with the following novel features: new sensor based on time-to-digital converter for capturing the variations accurately as digital signatures, and an all-digital DC-DC converter incorporating the sensor capable of generating an operating operating Vdd from 0V to 1.2V with a resolution of 18.75mV, suitable for subthreshold circuit operation. The benefits of the proposed controller is reflected with energy improvement of up to 55% compared to when no controller is employed. The detailed implementation and validation of the proposed controller is discussed

    Minimizing Test Power in SRAM through Reduction of Pre-charge Activity

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    In this paper we analyze the test power of SRAM memories and demonstrate that the full functional pre-charge activity is not necessary during test mode because of the predictable addressing sequence. We exploit this observation in order to minimize power dissipation during test by eliminating the unnecessary power consumption associated with the pre-charge activity. This is achieved through a modified pre-charge control circuitry, exploiting the first degree of freedom of March tests, which allows choosing a specific addressing sequence. The efficiency of the proposed solution is validated through extensive Spice simulations

    Rule Managed Reporting in Energy Controlled Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper proposes a technique to extend the network lifetime of a wireless sensor network, whereby each sensor node decides its network involvement, based on energy resources and the information in each message (ascertained through a system of rules). Results obtained from the simulation of an industrial monitoring scenario have shown that a considerable increase in the lifetime and connectivity can be obtained

    Reducing Interconnect Cost in NoC through Serialized Asynchronous Links

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    This work investigates the application of serialization as a means of reducing the number of wires in NoC combined with asynchronous links in order to simplify the clocking of the link. Throughput is reduced but savings in routing area and reduction in power could make this attractiv

    Energy-Driven Computing: Rethinking the Design of Energy Harvesting Systems

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    Energy harvesting computing has been gaining increasing traction over the past decade, fueled by technological developments and rising demand for autonomous and battery-free systems. Energy harvesting introduces numerous challenges to embedded systems but, arguably the greatest, is the required transition from an energy source that typically provides virtually unlimited power for a reasonable period of time until it becomes exhausted, to a power source that is highly unpredictable and dynamic (both spatially and temporally, and with a range spanning many orders of magnitude). The typical approach to overcome this is the addition of intermediate energy storage/buffering to smooth out the temporal dynamics of both power supply and consumption. This has the advantage that, if correctly sized, the system ‘looks like’ a battery-powered system; however, it also adds volume, mass, cost and complexity and, if not sized correctly, unreliability. In this paper, we consider energy-driven computing, where systems are designed from the outset to operate from an energy harvesting source. Such systems typically contain little or no additional energy storage (instead relying on tiny parasitic and decoupling capacitance), alleviating the aforementioned issues. Examples of energy-driven computing include transient systems (which power down when the supply disappears and efficiently continue execution when it returns) and power-neutral systems (which operate directly from the instantaneous power harvested, gracefully modulating their consumption and performance to match the supply). In this paper, we introduce a taxonomy of energy-driven computing, articulating how power-neutral, transient, and energy-driven systems present a different class of computing to conventional approaches

    NBTI and leakage aware sleep transistor design for reliable and energy efficient power gating

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    In this paper we show that power gating techniques become more effective during their lifetime, since the aging of sleep transistors (STs) due to negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) drastically reduces leakage power. Based on this property, we propose an NBTI and leakage aware ST design method for reliable and energy efficient power gating. Through SPICE simulations, we show lifetime extension up to 19.9x and average leakage power reduction up to 14.4% compared to standard STs design approach without additional area overhead. Finally, when a maximum 10-year lifetime target is considered, we show that the proposed method allows multiple beneficial options compared to a standard STs design method: either to improve circuit operating frequency up to 9.53% or to reduce ST area overhead up to 18.4%

    Diagnosis of power switches with power-distribution-network consideration

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    This paper examines diagnosis of power switches when the power-distribution-network (PDN) is considered as a high resolution distributed electrical model. The analysis shows that for a diagnosis method to perform high diagnosis accuracy and resolution, the distributed nature of PDN should not be simplified by a lumped model. For this reason, a PDN-aware diagnosis method for power switches fault grading is proposed. The proposed method utilizes a novel signature generation design-for-testability (DFT) unit, the signatures of which are processed by a novel diagnosis algorithm that grades the magnitude of faults. Through simulations of physical layout SPICE models, we explore the trade-offs of the proposed method between diagnosis accuracy and diagnosis resolution against area overhead and we show that 100% diagnosis accuracy and up to 98% diagnosis resolution can be achieved with negligible cost

    The Oxidative Decarboxylation Of Polyaminocarboxylic Acids - I. A Study Of The Reaction Of Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic Acid (EDTA) With Cerium (IV) In Acid Solution

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    The reaction between Ce(IV) and EDTA was followed titrimetrically and spectrophotometrically and was found to occur in stages. Four equivalents of Ce(IV) are reduced per mole of EDTA almost instantaneously at room temperature. With increasing temperature and reaction time an ultimate of about 14 equivalents of Ce (IV) is consumed per mole of EDTA. Carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and other yet unidentified compounds are the products of oxidation of EDTA. The kinetics of the reaction in aqueous sulfuric acid was studied over the temperature range 11.7°-40°C by a spectrophotometric technique. The effects of the acidity of the medium and of added salts are reported. © 1969 Springer-Verlag
